Welcome from the Principal
The middle school years are such an important time in our children’s lives. At West Clermont Middle School, we have cultivated a warm, caring environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated. It is so important to our staff that students feel connected to their new school family and can build new friendships with classmates.
Our student experience focuses on building meaningful relationships, growing through innovative learning activities, sustaining student-centered experiences, and empowering one another to own our learning. This allows students to work creatively and collaborate with one another. We also offer opportunities for families to join us by participating in Family Nights and other family-friendly activities.
We appreciate the opportunity to play a role in our students’ learning journey and can't wait to tell you more about our school community.
Jacob Kallgren
Principal, West Clermont Middle School
Special Programs and Traditions at West Clermont Middle School
- Purple Star School - We are committed to supporting the unique educational and social-emotional needs of military-connected children.
- Washington, D.C. Trip - An annual trip for our 8th grade students to visit our nation's capital.
- 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Dances - Separate dances for students at each grade level
- Field Day - Fun, games, and treats for each grade's students to celebrate a successful school year
- Winter/Spring Chorus & Band Concerts - Opportunities for our band and chorus students to shine
- Student of the Month Recognition Program - Family members are invited to attend as students are recognized for their efforts
- Annual Class Awards - Teachers and teams recognize students' special achievements
- Girls on the Run - Empowering girls to make healthy decisions
- WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) - Our 8th grade students welcome incoming 6th grade students, working with them as positive mentors throughout the school year
- Hope Squad - A peer-to-peer program suicide prevention program
- Veterans Day Celebration - Annual breakfast and recognition of veterans in the lives of our WCMS students
- Drama Club - 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students present a spring musical
- Student Council - Students campaign for the honor of representing their classmates
- Rocket Launch - 8th grade students design, build, and launch rockets with their science teachers
- Green Team - Students gather paper from classrooms for recycling
Contact Information
West Clermont Middle School
1341 Clough Pike
Batavia, OH 45103
Important Numbers
Main Number: (513) 947-7400
Attendance: (513) 947-7404 or wcms_attend@westcler.org
Fax: (513) 753-1070
Office Staff
Principal: Jacob Kallgren
Associate Principal: Dr. Jessica West
Assistant Principal: Rachel Dietsch
Assistant Principal: Ryan Fessler
Assistant Principal: Gregory Rose
Administrative Assistant: Meredith Ford
Athletic Director: Alex Rice
Project Manager: Angela Basler
Student Hours
7:00 AM – 2:15 PM
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