Welcome from the Principal
Welcome to West Clermont High School, home of the Wolves!
West Clermont High School is committed to providing a challenging and rigorous curriculum that promotes our three pathways towards success—Employ, Enlist and Enroll. All students are given the opportunity to explore, develop, and gain experience in all three areas during their years at WCHS. We foster a caring and supportive culture that encourages everyone to 'Be the best version of YOU' each and every day. We challenge our students to OWN their experience and take advantage of all that we have to offer in the classroom and extracurricular activities.
We believe that strong parental and community support enhances the quality of education at West Clermont High School. In addition, please feel free to meet with us, communicate with us, and volunteer your time and energy. We know that your involvement, combined with the efforts of our outstanding faculty, will make this school year a rich and rewarding year for your child.
I am excited to continue this journey as the principal of West Clermont High School and grateful for the opportunity to get to know your family in the new school year.
Greg Pottebaum, Principal
Special Programs and Traditions at West Clermont High School
- Senior Walk – All seniors are invited to do a “Senior Walk” at all elementary buildings during the last week of school. Seniors get the opportunity to go back and thank their elementary teachers and be recognized by the elementary students as they walk through the hallways in their cap and gown.
- Senior Honors Program and Military Recognition – Seniors in the top 10% and all seniors enlisting in the military are recognized.
- Senior Sunrise and Sunset - Seniors gather to watch the sunrise on the first and last day of their senior year.
- Senior Wave - During the graduation ceremony, seniors get the opportunity to send a special message to their parents or guardian and thank them for their love and support.
- Underclassman Academic Awards - Over 1,400 awards are given out each May to students in all grade levels for their success in the classroom.
- Academic, Military and Athletic Signing - Early in May, we recognize those students in the top 10% of the class, students entering the military, and those in athletics as they sign their letters of intent.
- Annual Thanksgiving Feast - Students and staff organize and serve over 100 families in the community.
- Veteran's Day Celebration - Veterans are treated to a catered breakfast, a musical tribute, and have the opportunity to share their story of service with students.
Contact Information
West Clermont High School
4101 Bach-Buxton Rd.
Batavia, OH 45103
Main Number: (513) 947-7600
Attendance: (513) 947-7604
Fax: (513) 752-3460
Cashier: (513) 947-7612
Cafeteria: (513) 947-7606
Office Staff
Principal: Greg Pottebaum
Associate Principal: Angela Faulhaber
Assistant Principal: Eric Fangman
Assistant Principal: Dan Osborne
Assistant Principal: Darren Stevens
Assistant Principal: Heather Robbins
Secretary: Patti Hornstra
Athletic Director: James Collins
Project Manager: Angela Basler
Cashier: Leslie Combs
Cafeteria Manager: Monica McClanahan
Student Hours
7:45 AM – 2:35 PM
In addition, Extra Time/Extra Help is Monday-Thursday from 2:35 PM – 3:05 PM.
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