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UPDATE your child's contacts and medical information using the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

RETURNING STUDENTS (Complete prior to school starting)
For families with students that were West Clermont students last school year and are returning again this year, you will use the PowerSchool Parent Portal before school to update their contact information and provide any necessary changes such as medical information or custody documents.

ALL WC FAMILIES (Use throughout the school year)
All families will use the PowerSchool Parent Portal throughout the year to access their child's report cards, schedule, attendance history, and other information.

The link to the PowerSchool Parent Portal is

COMPLETE the Free and Reduced Meal Price Application.

The federal waiver to supply universal free meals for all students has ended. In order for students to receive free/reduced priced meals and fees to be waived, parents/caregivers must complete the 2024-25 Free/Reduced Price Meals Application online via LINQ Connect (formerly Titan Family Portal).

For help applying, please follow these step-by-step instructions.

To request a paper application, please contact the Child Nutrition Office at 513-943-5038.

ATTEND the back to school events at your child's school.

View a list of all of the back-to-school events at our schools.

PAY your child's school fees, athletic fees, and add money to their meal account using PaySchools.

Families have the option to pay their child's school fees and add money to their meal accounts using PaySchools.

To set up your PaySchools account, follow the steps in the parent user guides below:

For additional help, you can also check out these walkthrough videos for families.

PLAN for meals by looking up our school breakfast and lunch menus.

To access this information, visit our interactive menus.

REVIEW the details of our 1ToWolf Program and consider purchasing insurance for your child's Chromebook.

To access this information, visit the Technology section of the WolfPack Hub.

FIND out which bus your child rides and its anticipated arrival time and download the Petermann Bus Tracker App.

Bus Routes
Updated routes are expected to be posted by August 14th on the "Bus Route E-Link" system.  However, we recommend you continue to check this site up until the first day of school to note any potential changes made to your child’s route.  To access the E-Link system:

  • Visit the Transportation section of the WolfPack Hub, scroll to Transportation Links and Forms, and then click on Bus Route E Link
    • Username: Student ID
    • Password: Child’s birthdate (8 digits. For example: 08012018) 

Changes in Pick-up/Drop-off Locations
Transportation routes are based on the student’s home address. If your K-8th grade student rides a school bus and requires a pick-up or drop-off location that is not at your home address, you need to submit a Transportation Request Form by August 8th. All requests received by the Transportation Department by this date will be in effect for the start of school. If you submit these after August 8th, transportation to the alternate address will not begin until the Monday after school starts. These are required annually so if you submitted one for your student last school year, you will need to submit one again. It is required to have the same pickup or drop off location Monday-Friday. Please submit these forms by email to or by fax at (513) 752-1503.

Petermann Bus Tracker App
The Petermann Bus Tracker App helps to improve communication with families. Not only can you download the app for your smartphone, you can also access it via a website. This app will securely allow parents/guardians to view the location of their child(ren)’s bus in relation to their assigned bus stop as well as provide information about their routes, in near real-time, including the scheduled arrival time of each stop.

mac app play web-app

GATHER your child's needed school supplies and send them with them on the first day of school.

View the school supply lists for every school.

SEND your child on their first day of school!

  • Thursday, August 15th
    • First Day of School for:
      • All 6th and 9th Grade
      • Kindergarten - 5th Grade with last names that begin with A-M
  • Friday, August 16th
    • First Day of School for:
      • All 7th, 8th, 10-12th Grade
      • Kindergarten - 5th Grade with last names that begin with N-Z

  • Monday, August 19th
    • All students in grades K-12 attend school
  • Wolf Pups Preschool
    • Building principals and your child's preschool teacher will communicate with families directly to specify which day to attend.

If you are unsure of the date of your child's first day of school, contact your school office.

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