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Education is a team effort! Everyone who contributes to that effort deserves to be kept updated along the way. Learn how the Treasurer’s Office is making sure that WC’s financial information is accessible to the community, as well as being easy to find and understand.

What is the district doing to make financial data and reporting accessible to the community?

West Clermont is committed to financial transparency and accountability. They strive to make information easily accessible, clear, and understandable to the public. 

The district undergoes an annual financial audit by a qualified CPA firm contracted by the State Auditor's Office and submits its Five-Year Forecast to the Department of Education and Workforce for oversight of its financial health. Additionally, West Clermont has been recognized for excellence in financial reporting by the Association of School Business Officials and the Government Finance Officers Association.

Taking steps to make sure that the West Clermont community knows the story of funding for the school district, the WC Treasurer’s Office has recently launched the Understanding School Finance Video Series, and made them available on their updated and improved website. 

The Understanding School Finance at West Clermont website also provides access to various financial articles and documents, including:

  1. West Clermont Annual Financial Report
  2. Monthly financial reports presented to the board of education
  3. Five Year Forecast adopted by the board in May and November
  4. Fiscal Minutes that provide context for better understanding of school finance components
  5. BoardDocs, an "eGovernance" system capturing agendas, minutes, and board-adopted policies
  6. Documentation of forums, survey results, focus group results, and community committee activities that support district decisions
  7. Links to resources from the Department of Education and Workforce and the State Auditor's Office, such as the Cupp Report

For information not available on the website, the Treasurer's office maintains an "open door" policy, allowing citizens to discuss aspects of the district's finances directly with the Treasurer.

Have a question that isn't answered on the website? Let us know!

Responses to these questions will be added to the website as they are collected and answered, for the benefit of the rest of the community. We look forward to hearing from you!

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