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Education is a long-term investment. Learn how West Clermont strives to plan ahead, anticipating changes in the needs of our students and community, so the funding is available to meet the educational challenges associated with those needs.

The Metrics of School Finance

West Clermont monitors several key metrics to assess their financial status and guide decision-making. Together this information resembles the dashboard of a car.

The metrics are similar for all school districts in the United States:

  1. Operating budget: The operating budget includes revenues and expenditures for day-to-day operations. Monitoring the budget helps identify potential shortfalls or surpluses and allows for timely adjustments.
  2. Fund balance: The fund balance represents the district's financial reserves. West Clermont aims to maintain a healthy fund balance to cover unexpected expenses, revenue shortfalls, or emergencies. Many states have guidelines for minimum fund balance levels.
  3. Revenue sources: West Clermont monitors the stability and diversity of our revenue sources, including local property taxes, state funding, and federal grants. Over-reliance on a single source can make us vulnerable to economic fluctuations.
  4. Enrollment trends: Student enrollment directly impacts a district's funding and resource allocation. West Clermont tracks enrollment trends to anticipate changes in revenue and adjust budgets accordingly.
  5. Per-pupil spending: Monitoring per-pupil spending helps West Clermont compare our resource allocation to other districts and state averages. This metric can highlight areas of efficiency or potential overspending.
  6. Debt levels: The district keeps track of our long-term debt obligations, such as bonds issued for capital projects. Monitoring debt levels ensures that the district can meet its repayment obligations without straining the operating budget.
  7. Facility conditions: Maintaining safe and functional school facilities is crucial. West Clermont has assessed the condition of buildings and infrastructure in order to budget for necessary repairs and upgrades.
  8. Academic performance: While not strictly a financial metric, academic performance is closely tied to a district's financial health. West Clermont tracks student achievement, graduation rates, and other academic indicators to ensure that resources are being used effectively to support student success.
  9. Staffing levels: Staff salaries and benefits make up a significant portion of West Clermont's budget. Monitoring staffing levels and trends helps the district make informed decisions about hiring, class sizes, and resource allocation.
  10. Long-term financial projections: West Clermont has developed long-term financial projections that account for anticipated changes in revenue, enrollment, and expenses. This project, in the form of a Five Year Forecast, helps the district plan for the future and make proactive decisions to maintain financial stability.

By regularly monitoring these metrics, West Clermont maintains a comprehensive understanding of their financial health and identifies potential challenges early, allowing us to make data-driven decisions to support the educational needs of students while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

The five-year forecast is an essential financial planning tool that helps West Clermont School District assess its current financial health and project future revenues and expenses. It allows the district to identify potential financial challenges on the horizon and make proactive plans to address them.

Some key reasons the five-year forecast is so important for West Clermont:


It's a state requirement. 

Ohio law mandates that all school districts submit a five-year forecast to the Ohio Department of Education twice per year. This holds districts accountable for responsible long-term financial planning.


It promotes stakeholder communication.

The forecast is a way for the district to transparently share its financial situation and outlook with the community - including teachers, parents, taxpayers and others. This builds understanding and trust.


It informs decision-making.

Having projections of revenues and expenses for the next five years helps the Board of Education and administration make strategic decisions about staffing, programming, facility needs and more. It provides a framework for matching expenses to available resources.


It guides levy planning.

The forecast shows if and when the district may face a budget deficit that requires additional local tax revenues. This allows adequate time to plan for a levy and communicate with voters.


It serves as an early warning system.

By projecting out five years, the forecast reveals any troubling financial trends on the horizon, while there is still time to change course if needed. This helps avoid fiscal emergencies.

The five-year forecast is a vital instrument for West Clermont to responsibly and transparently manage its finances, proactively plan for the future, and ensure it has sufficient resources to provide a quality education for students. Developing, monitoring and communicating this forecast is one of the district's most important financial responsibilities.

The 5 Year Forecast and Its Implications

Based on the information provided in West Clermont's November 2023 Five Year Forecast, key budget projections include the following:

Revenues vs Expenditures:

  • Revenues are projected to grow by an average of 1.4% annually from FY24 to FY28
  • Expenditures are projected to grow by an average of 5.4% annually over that period
  • This means expenditures are growing faster than revenues, which leads to a budget deficit

Cash Balance:

  • The cash balance grew to a high of $24.75 million at the end of FY24 
  • However, due to expenditures outpacing revenues, the cash balance is projcected to decline after FY25.
  • The May 2024 Five Year Forecast projects spending deficits (expenditures exceed revenues) beginning in FY26.  By FY28, the ending cash balance is projected to be $4.2 million with a spending deficit of $10.77 million.  

Levy Outlook:

  • The assumptions do not include any new levies during the 5 year forecast period through FY28
  • However, with expenditures exceeding revenues and leading to low cash balances by FY28, indicates the district will likely need to pursue a new operating levy as early as FY26 to avoid critiacally low balances or even a deficit.

Long-Term Outlook:

  • With a projected budget spending deficit and low cash balances by FY28, the long-term financial health depends on either increasing revenues (likely via a new levy), decreasing the rate of expenditure growth, or a combination of both
  • Continued expenditure growth of 5.4% annually is likely unsustainable without new revenue sources long-term
  • The district will need to balance educational investment needs with the financial capacity of the community in its long-term planning

West Clermont's five-year forecast points to a likely need for a new operating levy as early as FY26.  Long-term sustainability will require carefully managing the growth of expenses and aligning them with revenue growth and community funding capacity. Proactive planning and stakeholder communication will be essential.

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