District Update - Wednesday, May 22, 2024
(For an archive of all of our previous District Updates, see below.)
Summer Communication Rhythm
As we have done the last several years, you can expect to receive District Updates around the 15th and 30th in June and July. The WolfPack Hub is also your one-stop-shop as a West Clermont family! In addition, your child's principal will communicate with you once we get closer to school starting in August.
Your opinion is needed!
As we wrap up a year-long focus on facilities in West Clermont, your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of our master plan that will be revealed in early fall. We want to know your understanding of our greatest challenges including our aging buildings (Holly Hill, Merwin, and WCMS), rising operational costs to maintain these facilities, and the impact of projected increased enrollment and a growing diverse student population. We are seeking your input on various aspects of the potential building projects including your core values, preference for neighborhood schools vs grade level schools, optimal sizes for elementary school buildings, your interest in moving 5th grade to the middle school campus to free up space in the elementary schools, and your interest in designing buildings for the unique needs of middle-level learners. Your insights will help us address these challenges effectively. Please share your opinions with us by completing this survey!
Summer Office Hours
Re-Registration for Current Students
Thanks to those parents and caregivers who have completed the re-registration process for next school year on the PowerSchool Parent Portal! We still need 53.78% of our students to be re-registered for the 2024-25 school year. If you have questions about the re-registration process or have difficulty logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal, please contact your child's school office. You can find the contact information for every school at westcler.org/schools.
Summer Grocery Benefit for Kids - "SUN Bucks"
Thanks to a partnership between the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, the US Department of Agriculture, and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, any family that has completed and has been approved for Free and Reduced Meals for the 2023-24 school year will receive a one-time benefit of $120 from the state of Ohio for each eligible child and can use the money to buy food during the summer at grocery stores, farmers markets, and other authorized retailers. More information can be found at https://sebt.ohio.gov/.
Families who have already applied for Free and Reduced Meals for the 2023-24 school year will automatically receive this benefit. Families who have not completed an application for the 2023-24 school year, but feel that they may qualify, can still apply for this benefit. For more information on how to apply for Free and Reduced Meals, please visit the WolfPack Hub at westcler.org/hub.
NOTE: In order to receive the benefits of the SUN Bucks program, families must have completed a Free and Reduced Meals application for this school year (2023-24). The Applications for Free and Reduced Meals for next school year (2024-25) will be available starting July 8th, 2024.
Summer Meals and Snacks for Kids - "SUN Meals"
Thanks to a partnership between the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce and the US Department of Agriculture, all children ages 1 through 18 are eligible to receive free meals during the summer months at participating program sites. In addition, individuals ages 19 through 21 who have been identified as having mental or physical disabilities and are following Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) through their current enrollment in educational programs also are eligible for free summer meals. For more information call 1-866-3-HUNGRY (486479) or visit education.ohio.gov/KidsEat.
Understanding School Finance Video Series - Video #3
Today, part 3 of our video series is available to watch! In this latest installment, we walk through the ins and outs of the State of Ohio’s involvement in school funding. The State of Ohio provides funding to every public school in Ohio, but there is a specific process to determine how much each district receives. In the last fiscal year, the State of Ohio accounted for 31.4% of West Clermont’s General Operating Fund. It’s critical to understand the State’s involvement in school funding, along with how that funding evolves as circumstances change in our district. You can watch part 3 HERE. If you missed them, be sure to check out the part 1 and part 2 videos.
We continue to work hard to provide the community with the information that they need. This series, as in all of our communications, is directly based on feedback gathered through all of the engagement opportunities we offer throughout the district, from town halls, to surveys, and more. We are thankful for your input, ideas, and questions, and we look forward to continuing the conversation!
Upcoming District Closures
In observance of federal holidays, the entire district will be closed on Wednesday, June 19th (Juneteenth) and Thursday, July 4th (Independence Day).
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